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IUL for Dummies

IUL has likely been a mystery to you and you probably have heard that it is a retirement savings vehicle and you’d like more information about it. One trend we have seen since the last big recession is using an IUL contract as an alternative to the 401k. ___________________________________________________________________________ 🟦 IUL APPLICATION: http://application.wealthprotectionla... 🟦 BECOME MY CLIENT: COMPLETE THIS APPLICATION: http://application.wealthprotectionla... The application will ask a number of questions. Your answers will determine if you qualify, and if you do, they will help me to prepare a preliminary annuity or IUL presentation for you, so you can see with your own eyes if this is something you want to move forward with. But, know that your information is kept in strict confidence and will never be shared or sold. 🟦 WATCH MY VIDEO: "IUL ON STEROIDS"    • IUL on Steroids   🟦 WATCH MY VIDEO: PROPERLY STRUCTURED IUL:    • Properly Structured IUL   🟥 SUBSCRIBE for more FREE tips:    / uc0rjxw_uep.  . 🟩 CONNECT WITH ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Facebook 🟩   / sue-cunningh.  . LinkedIn 🟩   / sue-cunni.  .    • IUL for Dummies   DISCLAIMER: The Wealth Protection Lady makes content available as a service to its customers and other visitors to be used for informational purposes only. While our best intentions are to provide accurate and timely information, you should always consult with retirement, tax, and legal professionals prior to taking any action.
