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Скачать с ютуб Logic Pro 10 Vs 9 kind of review в хорошем качестве

Logic Pro 10 Vs 9 kind of review 11 лет назад

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Logic Pro 10 Vs 9 kind of review

Little review/AB comparison I did between the newly released logic pro 10 and the old logic 9 this is NOT a full software reviews, more of a workflow, things I like and not like thing. some of the new things are missing simply because they come second on the way I work (example : flex pitch), if you want a full logic pro 10 review , search for it , you ll get 100+ videos to watch already Enjoy and yes I'm serious, VOTE PS FFS what's not clear about saying that I DO NOT want to use or even try jbridge? stop telling me that I should try it!
