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Скачать с ютуб Fire Story for Kids | Barbie and Ken Firefighters & Firetruck | Speedie DiDi Toddler Learning Video в хорошем качестве

Fire Story for Kids | Barbie and Ken Firefighters & Firetruck | Speedie DiDi Toddler Learning Video 3 года назад

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Fire Story for Kids | Barbie and Ken Firefighters & Firetruck | Speedie DiDi Toddler Learning Video

In this fire safety story for kids, barbie and ken are firefighters together with Speedie DiDi! This is part of the Barbie Dream House Adventure series and features a firetruck for kids, firefighters for kids, fire truck toys, fire engine, and lots more! In this barbie dream house adventure story, barbie Chelsea is cooking a delicious lunch for barbie and ken. Speedie DiDi arrives at the barbie dreamhouse and tries to help Chelsea to maintain fire safety. Chelsea refuses the help because she doesn’t want to be treated like a baby. A fire starts at the dreamhouse kitchen, Chelsea goes to get the fire extinguisher but it is empty. She calls Speedie DiDi for help. Speedie DiDi dials 9-1-1. A fire truck for children begins driving towards the barbie dream house. Once at the dreamhouse, barbie and ken come out of the firetruck and begin getting ready to stop the fire. Speedie DiDi arrives with a large fire hose. They pour water on the fire and eventually it stops, and the barbie dream house is saved! The barbie doll tells Chelsea that fire safety for kids should always come first! Ken doll tells Speedie DiDi to check the fire extinguisher monthly to ensure its full and not damaged. The barbie dreamhouse adventures story ends with the barbie doll taking Chelsea to play, and everyone happy! This video for kids features various barbie toys including the barbie doll herself, a ken doll, and little Chelsea doll. #barbiedreamhouseadventures #speediedidi #barbie Speedie DiDi creates fun and educational kids videos for kids, that children of all ages can enjoy. Pretend Play helps develop your child’s imagination and creativity. Thank you for watching! You can find additional Speedie DiDi videos for kids here: Speedie DiDi Doctor (Barbie):    • Doctors for Kids | Toddlers Learn abo...   Speedie DiDi Fire Truck:    • Fire Truck for Kids | Firefighters fo...   Speedie DiDi Dreamhouse (Barbie):    • Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures: Barbie ...   Speedie DiDi Slime (Barbie):    • Slime Experiment For Kids | Mixing Sl...   Speedie DiDi Disney Princesses:    • Funny Story for Kids with Paw Patrol ...   ➡️ Music: Bensound -
