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Скачать с ютуб PEEK THE BEAK! Legacy Nadu Zenith Combo. Bant Combo-Control MTG Eternal Weekend в хорошем качестве

PEEK THE BEAK! Legacy Nadu Zenith Combo. Bant Combo-Control MTG Eternal Weekend 3 недели назад

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PEEK THE BEAK! Legacy Nadu Zenith Combo. Bant Combo-Control MTG Eternal Weekend

Don't miss Three For One Trading's Black Friday sale! Sitewide 5% off plus daily bonus specials while supplies last: #ad I play a Magic the Gathering Online Legacy league with Nadu Zenith, a deck from Patreon subscriber Claire. Nadu, Winged Wisdom is banned in almost every format, but Legacy is the sweet spot where it is powerful enough to play but interaction is good enough that it isn't completely broken. There's several builds of the deck ranging from dedicated combo to slow control, and this version is the one that holds the middle, favoring stability on the way to overwhelming card advantage. There's no true combo finish, but that means there's no pressure point to blow up the deck. Green Sun's Zenith is the toolbox that gives the deck combo redundancy and a toolbox of creatures to play fair in other situations. While Nadu remains the second tier of decks according to metagame data, it's a solid choice for a skilled pilot at Eternal Weekend. Peek the beak! MTG Decklist on Moxfield: Check out The Resleevables, an in-depth set by set chronicle of Magic's history:    / @theresleevables   Get the best protection for your cards with Ultimate Guard: Try this deck yourself on MTGO with the Cardhoarder loan program: 0:00 Intro 0:37 Deck Tech 3:04 Round 1 27:28 Round 2 35:38 Round 3 55:27 Round 4 1:03:29 Round 5 1:22:50 Final Thoughts Business inquiries: [email protected] Youtube Membership: Hit the "JOIN" button below the video! Patreon:   / boshnroll   Twitter:   / boshnroll   Follow my Moxfield: Podcast: All these links again: Want me to try YOUR favorite deck? Sign up via YouTube membership or Patreon and you'll have the ability to buy a league where I do a deck tech, tune, play, and offer my thoughts on your deck! Once you're a Patron or channel member, reach out and we'll set it up! #MTG #MTGLegacy #magicthegathering
