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How to prepare for Delta Module 1 | Cambridge Assessment

DELTA MODULE 1 Workshop (recommended before the exam day) - DELTA MODULE 1 Workbook - DELTA MODULE 1 Preparation Course - DELTA MODULE 2 Workshop - TBD DELTA MODULE 3 Preparation Course - Course on Reflective Journaling for Educators + a Fillable PDF Annual Journal Template - ___________ My name is Julie, I am a full Delta holder and a teacher trainer. In this video I am sharing some tips, which can help you stay motivated during Delta Module 1 preparation AND NOT TO GIVE UP IF YOU FAILED. I discussed this topic with other educators and they shared their tips on how not to lose motivation during exam preparation and what to do if you failed the exam. I failed DELTA Module 1 and had to retake it. Eventually, I was thankful for this experience, because I think, I had an opportunity to become a better educator and I had a chance to deep dive into different areas of ELT.
