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Скачать с ютуб JUMPSCARE OVERLOAD | Emika Games Compilation в хорошем качестве

JUMPSCARE OVERLOAD | Emika Games Compilation 2 месяца назад

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JUMPSCARE OVERLOAD | Emika Games Compilation

Russian indie horror game dev Emika Games has been the BANE of my existence since I played my first of their games over a year ago. If there's one thing to be sure about when delving into one of these titles, it's that the jumpscares will come often, and a lot (that's what she said?) ANYWAYS enjoy my trauma! :') hi friends! I'm carmen! I'm a content creator who can't seem to avoid horror games, despite being scared of anything that moves :') welcome to my gaming channel! here, I post clips and vods of gameplay from my streams. I stream twice weekly! Follow @carmenelainegames on Instagram for stream announcements and updates!   / carmenelainee   you can check out my main youtube channel @carmenelainee !    / carmenelainee   #emikagames #september7th #lockedup #fathersday #summerof58 #youmust #findyourself #imcountingto6 #compilation #horrorgaming
