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Скачать с ютуб 2021 Genesis G90 vs. Lexus LS "Finding The Best Luxury Sedan" в хорошем качестве

2021 Genesis G90 vs. Lexus LS "Finding The Best Luxury Sedan" 3 года назад

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2021 Genesis G90 vs. Lexus LS "Finding The Best Luxury Sedan"

We compared 2021 Genesis G90 to Lexus LS, the famous luxury sedan from Lexus. Which one would you choose? #Motorgraph #G90 #LS Thank you for watching! Please subscribe: About Motorgraph: Motorgraph is the largest and #1 online automotive magazine in South Korea. We cover not only general news about cars, but also texts, videos and live broadcasts covering various events such as test rides and international motor shows. Motorgraph World introduces you first the latest cars from Hyundai, Kia, Genesis, Ssangyong, GM Korea and Renault Samsung.
