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Travels in England | Cirencester and London vlog

Helloooo! This summer has been the summer of travels. Here's yet another "episode" of my adventures this summer. Hope you enjoy and are looking forward to my next one! The next one will have lots and lots of art - hopefully that will make up for this one 🙈 But regardless, I hope you still liked this one as well. Have a great day! ART AND MERCH: Hand-painted Shirts: Threadless: Society6: Etsy store: FOLLOW ME: Instagram:   / _thatoneartist_   Facebook:   / that1artist   Email: [email protected] Website: ————————————————————————————— Music: New Chances by Muciojad   / muciojad   Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 Music promoted by Audio Library    • New Chances – Muciojad (No Copyright ...  
