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Honest Conversations: Who is IDLM 11 дней назад

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Honest Conversations: Who is IDLM

IDLM Presents: Honest Conversations on End of Life Welcome to IDLM Presents: Honest Conversations on End of Life. Here, we open the door to compassionate, open dialogue about life’s final journey. Join us as we explore insights from professionals, caregivers, end of life doulas and those directly touched by end-of-life experiences. Together, we aim to demystify, inform, and support each other through stories, knowledge, and the understanding that every conversation brings us closer to honoring life in all its stages. In today's episode, we're taking a step back from our usual format to share something special. Join Pam Carter and me as we dive into the story of IDLM—who we are, why we're here, and the passion driving our mission. 💬 This heartfelt conversation is all about connection, purpose, and the journey that brought us to this moment. Don’t miss it! 🎧 Tune in now and get to know us a little better. Visit us at Watch the full discovery by visiting us at: https://www.internationaldoulalifemov... Need to chat with us? Call us at 210-721-3422 or email us at [email protected] #IDLM #PodcastEpisode #EndOfLifeDoula #MissionDriven #BehindTheScenes
