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What Does AI Mean for Medicine? 10 месяцев назад

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What Does AI Mean for Medicine?

In this Grand Rounds, we will take our understanding of the impact of AI on healthcare to the next level, exploring the intricacies of AI algorithms, including how subtle issues can result in undesirable outcomes, such as the perpetuation of racial biases. This session, from an international thought leader in AI, equity, and policy, will deepen your understanding of how AI uses clinical data to make predictions and offer guidance, and enable you to appreciate some of the new risks that we’ll need to mitigate as the technology rolls out in healthcare. This lecture, the 26th in the series, is in memory of Reza Gandjei, who was a UCSF medicine resident in the 1990s and died far too young. Reza, who was both a Marshall and Rhodes Scholar while a student at Harvard Medical School, had a particular interest in healthcare ethics and policy, and so speakers in this series have been international experts in these topics. Speaker This year’s Gandjei lecturer is Ziad Obermeyer, MD. Ziad is an associate professor and the Blue Cross of California Distinguished Professor at the UC Berkeley School of Public Health. He is a Chan Zuckerberg Biohub investigator, a faculty research fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research and was named one of the 100 most influential people in AI by TIME magazine and an emerging leader by the National Academy of Medicine. His work on algorithmic bias has been highly influential both in public debate about AI algorithms, having published in Science, Nature Medicine, and the New England Journal of Medicine. He is co-founder of Nightingale Open Science, a nonprofit that makes massive new medical imaging datasets available for research, and Dandelion, a platform for AI innovation in health. Note: Closed captions will be available within 48-72 hours after posting. Program Bob Wachter: Introduction 00:05:45-00:49:51 – Ziad Obermeyer, MD, associate professor and the Blue Cross of California Distinguished Professor at the UC Berkeley School of Public Health 00:49:57-1:00:02 – Q&A See previous Medical Grand Rounds: January 25: Redefining Sudden Cardiac Death with the POST SCD Study    • Redefining Sudden Cardiac Death with ...   January 18: Generative AI in Healthcare: Is This our Hemingway Moment?    • Generative AI in Healthcare: Is This ...   January 11: Heart Failure in Diabetes: From Guidelines to Clinical Care Implementation    • Heart Failure in Diabetes: From Guide...   December 14: Update on Long Covid    • Update on Long Covid   See all UCSF Covid-19 grand rounds, which have been viewed over 3M times, at    • UCSF Department of Medicine Medical G...  .
