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Скачать с ютуб Caroline Quentin: A Passage Through India - Taj Mahal | History Documentary | Reel Truth History в хорошем качестве

Caroline Quentin: A Passage Through India - Taj Mahal | History Documentary | Reel Truth History 5 лет назад

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Caroline Quentin: A Passage Through India - Taj Mahal | History Documentary | Reel Truth History

Subscribe here:    / @banijayhistory   to be the first to watch more full length documentaries. Caroline Quentin immerses herself in Indian life as she takes a journey on the subcontinent from north to south. She begins in the chaotic city of Varanasi, taking a boat ride on the River Ganges and attending an evening ceremony in which thousands of people light lamps and pray to the river. After catching a sleeper train to Jodhpur, she gets the chance to see the Taj Mahal in Agra, before visiting an infertility clinic in the small Gujarat town of Anand, where couples from other countries hire Indian women to carry their children. Caroline Quentin takes viewers on an epic journey through India providing a personal insight into one of the world's most remarkable and diverse countries. Caroline's eye-opening adventure aims to discover what goes on in the modern Indian life as well as challenge preconceptions of the subcontinent. Caroline will experience India's remarkable contrasts, from expansive, breathtaking landscapes such as Kanha National Park to dense, humid metropolises including Kolcutta and Mumbai, which encompass the extremes of wealth and often desperate poverty in close proximity. Welcome to Reel Truth History, the home of gripping and powerful documentaries. Here you can watch both full length documentaries and series that explore some of the most comprehensive pieces of world history.
