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Скачать с ютуб TuTiTu Compilation | Trampoline | And Other Energy - Burning Toys | 1 HOUR Special в хорошем качестве

TuTiTu Compilation | Trampoline | And Other Energy - Burning Toys | 1 HOUR Special 8 лет назад

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TuTiTu Compilation | Trampoline | And Other Energy - Burning Toys | 1 HOUR Special

Hour-long videos of the most popular TuTiTu videos for kids, grouped by theme. A special video full of fun, colorful and engaging content with the beloved TuTiTu characters and toys for the whole family to enjoy together! TuTiTu - "The toys come to life" is a 3D animated video series for toddlers. Through colorful shapes TuTiTu will stimulate the children's imagination and creativity. On each episode TuTiTu's shapes will transform into a new and exciting toy. Facebook -   / tutitutv   Twitter -   / tutitutv   FREE games - Pinterest -   / tutitutv   In this episode: We will have fun with TuTiTu trampoline! --- Production & Animation: Twist Animation Ltd. Production Designers: Tal Gamliel, Yossi Dahan TuTiTu'S Theme Song: Lyrics: Sarit Ido Schechter, Music: Sarit Ido Schechter and Tal Gamliel, Musical Arrangement: Uri Kariv Vocals: Yael Shoshana Cohen Sound engineering: Gil Landau Category: Specials
