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Скачать с ютуб Can You Catch a SHINY Pokemon WITHOUT COLOR in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet? в хорошем качестве

Can You Catch a SHINY Pokemon WITHOUT COLOR in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet? 1 год назад

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Can You Catch a SHINY Pokemon WITHOUT COLOR in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet?

Finding shiny pokemon in Scarlet and Violet has been a breeze, but what if you set your switch display settings to greyscale? In this video I try to get one of my dream shinies without being able to see any colors! Thank you for watching and if you have any video suggestions, do tell! I'm all ears :) Also shoutout to ‪@Nokimon‬ who did the same challenge in PLA! THE DISCORD SERVER HAS ARRIVED! join the party!   / discord   Subscribe for more pokemon content, including pokemon challenges, shiny pokemon guides, shiny hunting compilations, pokemon scarlet and violet gameplay ( including gameplay of the pokemon scarlet and violet's dlc, the teal mask and the indigo disk ), and whatever the heck else! #pokemon #shinypokemon #pokemonscarletandviolet
