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Скачать с ютуб Charlotte Unboxes and Plays with the Barbie Pet Shop Boutique Groomer Playset в хорошем качестве

Charlotte Unboxes and Plays with the Barbie Pet Shop Boutique Groomer Playset 2 года назад

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Charlotte Unboxes and Plays with the Barbie Pet Shop Boutique Groomer Playset

Watch this adorable video of Charlotte from ‪@CharlottesOliviasToysFun‬ as she unboxes and plays with her new Barbie Pet Shop Boutique Groomer Playset. In this video, Charlotte and mom roleplay as the groomer and customer who needs her dog groomed because poofy is all dirty after he rolled around in mud. Watch poofy's spots disappear as we wash him in warm water. The customer goes shopping for pet food and accessories. Make sure to subscribe to our channel! Check out more of our Barbie Pet New Toy Videos: Barbie Deluxe Pet Dreamhouse:    • Barbie Deluxe Pet Dreamhouse - Unboxi...   Barbie & KEN Pets:    • Barbie & KEN Pets UNBOXING & REVIEW  
