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How to Find Investment Properties (That CASH FLOW) in 15 Minutes

Try the BiggerPockets Deal Finder: Join BiggerPockets for FREE 👇 Learn How to Analyze Real Estate Deals with Dave’s Book: Find an Investor-Friendly Agent in Your Area: Use the BiggerPockets Real Estate Investment Calculators: Connect with Dave: Today, I will show you exactly how to find investment properties on the MLS. That’s right, ON-MARKET real estate deals. You don’t need to do any cold calling or send direct mail to find these cash-flowing rental properties. Instead, if you have just fifteen minutes and internet access, you can easily copy the EXACT steps I show in this video to find your first or next rental property, even in 2024. In this video, we’re looking at the Indianapolis real estate market. This is a cash-flow real estate market that many investors have flocked to due to low home prices, high appreciation potential, and solid market dynamics. But are we past the peak for rental property investing in this city? Or can we still find on-market deals there? Spoiler: We found deals. Check this one out and repeat these steps in ANY city you’re interested in investing in! 00:00 Finding Cash-Flowing Rentals 01:18 Appreciation, Home Prices, Crime 04:14 Looking at Properties 08:42 Running the Numbers 13:29 Would I Buy It?
