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Making Easy Classic Donuts At Home | Eggless Donut Recipe

Donut Recipe | Homemade Donut Recipe | Eggless Donut Recipe| Soft And Fluffy Donut Donut Recipe With Yeast | Making Easy Classic Donuts At Home | OLD FASHIONED CAKE DOUGHNUTS | How to make CAKE DONUTS Recipe In this video, we have a simple recipe for a soft and delicious donut in the traditional and old way. Try this recipe and enjoy its taste. Ingredients:👇🏻 white flour Yeast sugar Turmeric Oil Water #donutrecipe #donutrecipewithyeast #egglessdonut #manjarisrecipe #homemadedonut #fluffydonut #howtomakedonut #softandfluffydonut #egglessdonutrecipe Dear friends, if you liked this video, you can help grow the channel🌹 WRITE A COMMENT or ask me a question about the recipe. I will be happy to answer you🥰 You could also share this video with your friends on social networks to let them know what your next recipe will be. Subscribe link👇🏻    / @chavek  
