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Скачать с ютуб What do white patch & swollen lymph nodes with negative HIV test indicate? - Dr. Ramakrishna Prasad в хорошем качестве

What do white patch & swollen lymph nodes with negative HIV test indicate? - Dr. Ramakrishna Prasad 7 лет назад

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What do white patch & swollen lymph nodes with negative HIV test indicate? - Dr. Ramakrishna Prasad

It is extremely unlikely that the symptoms are related to HIV because your HIV test is negative. Of course one will need to explore and understand as to why you are still having white patched on your tongue and your lymph nodes are swollen. There can be many reasons for that. For example if you take an inhaler, which has a steroid in it. Sometimes there can a be white patches because of that and there can be other infections such as syphilis or certain other infections which can result in swollen lymph nodes in the neck. So my advice would be while this is less likely to be result of HIV infection, you would benefit from meeting a well-qualified HIV medicine specialist or a general medicine specialist to discuss and when perhaps get some tests done so that one can understand why you continue to have these symptoms.
