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Скачать с ютуб Path of the Four Level 190 boss NO BUFF | Hero Wars Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Event в хорошем качестве

Path of the Four Level 190 boss NO BUFF | Hero Wars Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Event 10 дней назад

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Path of the Four Level 190 boss NO BUFF | Hero Wars Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Event

Path of Four Level 190 boss with no buff: Use these teams to defeat the boss in the Hero Wars Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles event with a high chance of winning. #herowars #herowarsweb Please check out my other event and GIVEAWAY videos:    • Hero Wars Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle...      • Path of the Four Level 180 Buff 25 | ...      • Path of the Four Level 130 up to Leve...      • Path of the Four Level 130, 140, 150,...      • Path of the Four Level 130 and 140 NO...   Hero Wars: Check my channel for event videos, giveaways and a lot more secrets about Hero Wars:    / @corneliussecrets   For giveaway: Leave a comment with your Hero Wars IN-GAME Account ID ( I need this to send you the gift in the game) YouTube is not a sponsor of this contest. By taking part in this contest you release YouTube from any liability related to this contest. Additional notes: We will draw three winners at random. Each winner will receive ONE Hero Wars in-game gift. If you wish, indicate your gift preferences. You may leave additional comments, but do not post more than one Hero Wars in-game account ID. *Privacy notice: The only personal information I need from you is your Hero Wars in-game account ID, which I will not store or use in any other way except to send the in-game gift to the winner. *This content is not affiliated with NEXTERS, is not supported, is not sponsored or approved by it , and NEXTERS is not responsible for it. All artwork and gameplay footage are the property of NEXTERS, unless otherwise stated or implied. *AI used in this video: All voices in this video are AI voices.
