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Kofta Curry (Meatball Curry) Recipe 12 лет назад

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Kofta Curry (Meatball Curry) Recipe

Kofta (meatball) curry is a particular favourite of mine. This version is nicely spiced without being too hot. I prefer to eat this with naan or chapatti rather than rice. Ingredients 500 g (1 lb) minced lamb or beef, double-minced 3 large onions, chopped 3 red chillis, chopped 3 tbsp chopped coriander 3 tbsp garlic & ginger paste 2 tbsp tomato paste 2 tbsp dried coconut 1 stock cube 3 tbsp ghee or vegetable oil Salt Pepper Spice Mix 1 1 tbsp coriander powder 2 tsp turmeric 2 tsp garam masala 1½ tsp cumin powder ½ tsp cayenne pepper Spice Mix 2 8 green cardamoms 6 cloves 2 cm (1″) cinnamon stick, broken up Pinch of curry leaves Instructions Heat the ghee in a pan and fry the onions and garlic & ginger paste for 5-10 minutes until golden. Add in Spice Mix 1 and the chillies. Fry gently for 2 minutes. Remove half the mixture with a spoon and put to one side. Into the pan with the remaining onion mixture add Spice Mix 2, the coconut and the tomato paste. Crumble in the stock cube and add 600 ml (20 fl oz) of water. Season with salt and pepper. Bring to the boil then allow to simmer very gently on a low heat for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, in a large bowl combine the meat and the onion mixture which was removed from the pan. Add in the coriander and knead the mixture with your hands into a dough. Make golfball-sized koftas from the dough and drop them gently into the simmering sauce. Once all the kofta have been added, simmer the curry gently for another 30 minutes, turning the kofta over about half-way through. Serve. Titli's Tips Double-mincing the meat helps the kofta to stick together. If you can’t get your meat double-minced then add a beaten egg into the mixture. Some versions of this recipe fry the kofta before adding to the sauce. It’s your choice!
