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Скачать с ютуб BIGGEST. REORGANIZE. YET. (Clean and organize with me!) в хорошем качестве

BIGGEST. REORGANIZE. YET. (Clean and organize with me!) 2 недели назад

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BIGGEST. REORGANIZE. YET. (Clean and organize with me!)

New place, same Chynia! Welcome Makayla to our video today! 👋🏻 Today, we’re working together to get a room reorganized in my mother-in-law’s home (she gave permission to record, OF COURSE!) ❤️ This project took us around 9 hours to get done! I’m so thankful for Makayla’s help in this room - I could NOT have done it without her! #cleaning #clean #cleaningmotivation #cleanwithme #organization #organize #declutter #decluttering #organizationmotivation #declutteringmotivation #pantry #pantryorganizationideas #productivedayofasahm #cleananddeclutter #homecleaning
