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Скачать с ютуб Targaryen Theme (Game of Thrones) – Cello в хорошем качестве

Targaryen Theme (Game of Thrones) – Cello 4 месяца назад

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Targaryen Theme (Game of Thrones) – Cello

Cello arrangement of the Targaryen theme from Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon. 🐉 Sheet Music: (Solo), (Full) 🎥 More Cello Soundtracks:    • Cello Soundtracks   Ramin Djawadi’s music for Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon puts a great spotlight on the cello, showcasing its rich tone and variety of textures across so many themes. As a cellist, these soundtracks have been so formative on how I arrange for the cello and even the way I see cello in popular culture. The theme for House Targaryen is maybe the best example of this. It's full of grit yet smooth and tender, and it's also a little bit exotic in a way that stands out from the rest of the themes. I've been a bit obsessed with House of the Dragon the past few weeks, and in the mood to play some of its incredible music! 🙏 Support future projects on Patreon:   / nicholasdyee   🪶 My Second Channel: ‪@NotesWithNicholas‬ 📸 Instagram:   / nicholasdyee   🕊️ Twitter:   / nicholasdyee   👍 Facebook:   / nicholasdyee   🎧 Spotify: 🍏 Apple:
