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Скачать с ютуб Faker & Black Sun WITH LYRICS | FNF Vs. Sonic.EXE Cover в хорошем качестве

Faker & Black Sun WITH LYRICS | FNF Vs. Sonic.EXE Cover 1 год назад

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Faker & Black Sun WITH LYRICS | FNF Vs. Sonic.EXE Cover

This is a little project I've had in the works for quite some time, seeing as it is one of my favorite songs and characters from VS Sonic.EXE. While this is not my first time dipping into the waters of lyrical Friday Night Funkin' arrangements, it is my first full cover of a song. I had a ton of fun making this and I hope everyone enjoys it! I'd like to give a Titanic shoutout to all who aided in seeing this uploaded! Though I could have spent God knows How long refining it, I felt it'd not only be good practice to get these covers to a completed state, but so Very funny to have this be my April Fool's Day upload as well. Concerns, Comments, and Criticism are all very welcome and encouraged! Speaking of the day's festivities, I encourage you to check out the limited edition Turtle Pals Tapes VS Sonic.EXE CD run! It includes five of the songs I made for VS Sonic.EXE V2.5: Fight or Flight, Manual Blast, Gotta Go, Unnamed X-Terion Song, and Perdition. If you have a dime in your pocket and any interest in owning a physical copy of these songs and more, then head on over to the Turtle Pals Tapes website and buy the CD! But don't be too slow, as pre-orders only last until April 15th. Happy April's : ) --- CREDITS Churgney Gurgney/Sturm -- Lyric Writer & Performer SunkerMacGunker -- Assistant Writer Grossalicious -- Thumbnail & Video Artist (background)   / grossalicious   SPACENAUTICA -- Thumbnail & Video Artist (Faker)   / spacenautica   LECTROA -- Thumbnail & Video Artist (EXE), Video Editor   / joggingscout   --- #FridayNightFunkin #SonicEXE
