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DISTORT - A Cold Darksynth Synthwave Cyberpunk Mix Special 5 лет назад

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DISTORT - A Cold Darksynth Synthwave Cyberpunk Mix Special

OFFICIAL ASTRAL THROB MERCH STORE: ARTWORK: Beeple Crap TRACKLIST: 0:00 Microchip Terror - Protector 101 - The Park Plaza Mall (Remix)   / protector-101-the-park-plaza   5:00 Megan McDuffee - Charon Security   / megmcduffee 7:20 MASKED - Insert Coin   / insert-coin   13:29 ROBORG - Intruder (feat. TimeStalker)   / intruder-feat-timestalker   17:52 Isidor - Aurora Virus   / isidor-aurora-virus-newretrowave-records   20:48 Grimlin - Legion - MASKED (Remix)   / legion-masked-remix   24:58 Grimlin - Legion - Microchip Terror (Remix)   / legion-microchip-terror-remix   29:03 Microchip Terror - Circuitry Of Doom   / microchip-terror-circuitry-of-doom   34:25 Rose Thaler - Remember Me   / remember-me   38:47 Jet Set Trash - Revizia - Blodet   / revizia-blodet   43:37 Surgeryhead - Super Dungeon Crawler X   / dungeon   SUBMISSIONS / SPONSORS / INQUIRY: Email to "[email protected]" Rights of all materials in this video belong to their respectful owners. This video is meant for promotional and entertainment purposes only. Contact "[email protected]" for removal. #astralthrob #synthwave #bestsynthwavechannel
