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Скачать с ютуб Men don't cry in real | পুরুষের কান্না অদৃশ্য | for all father,son,brother,lover в хорошем качестве

Men don't cry in real | পুরুষের কান্না অদৃশ্য | for all father,son,brother,lover 4 года назад

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Men don't cry in real | পুরুষের কান্না অদৃশ্য | for all father,son,brother,lover

Men don't cry in real | পুরুষের কান্না অদৃশ্য | for all father,son,brother,lover Men DON’T cry as much as women – but it’s not for the reason you think Research suggests that women cry between 30 and 64 times a year, and men only cry between six and 17 times each year It’s a term that describes an extreme gender role that has developed in our society that makes men feel that they need to be extremely strong, show no emotion, and only do things considered masculine such as cooking meat, lifting weights, hunting, or fighting. যতই তুমি হতাশ হও থাকুক কষ্টের কারণ ভুলোনা কিন্তু পুরুষ তুমি, তোমার কাঁদা বারণ। Script- Avradip Roy Choudhury Vocal- Pritha Nandi Edit- Souvik Saha & Supriya Saha on facebook- Pritha-   / pritha.nandi.3344   Avradip-   / sujoy.dey.5220   Supriya-   / supriyasaha.princ   Souvik- #men_not_cry #sacrifice #responsibility
