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Скачать с ютуб Environmental NGO Accelerator Perak: Bioloop в хорошем качестве

Environmental NGO Accelerator Perak: Bioloop 1 год назад

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Environmental NGO Accelerator Perak: Bioloop

Bioloop wants to feed Malaysia sustainably by using Black Soldier Fly Larvae. The Black Soldier Fly is a solution to tackle many rising issues regarding food security, one of which is to utilise the BSFL frass as an organic fertiliser to increase crop yield as well as to replace traditional fertiliser. Under this initiative, Bioloop is collaborating with local farmers in Perak to experiment with the effectiveness of the frass with local crops such as chilli, ciku, and more. The project aims to onboard and influence more local farmers to incorporate Frass as a sustainable farming practice and to reduce the cost of traditional fertilisers. Check out to learn more about what they do!
