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Five Nights at Friedrich's - DEMO Trailer 6 месяцев назад

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Five Nights at Friedrich's - DEMO Trailer

Coming FRIDAY, JUNE 7TH Play it here: Willkommen to Friedrich's Pizza! A mystical, magical, fantastical restaurant where anything is possible. Our headlining act is, of course, the great Friedrich and his band of lifelike, near-sentient animatronic friends! We are thrilled to have you on board on this life-changing... You know what? Cut the crap. These things are going to straight up fucking kill you. Not even exaggerating. I have no idea what their problem is. They almost seem to be having fun with it. But they wanna rip off your arms and gouge out your eyeballs. Are you gonna let them? Cook pizzas! Read manuals! Fire deadly lasers! Do whatever it takes to keep Friedrich, Bernard, Clara, and any other creeps out of your strange, purple office! Can you survive Five Nights at Friedrich's? (put as much sauce on this as possible when you read it, as it is the title of the game)
