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Wriothesley vs Ayaka vs Ganyu !! Who is the Best CRYO DPS ?? [ Genshin Impact ]

Wriothesley vs Ayaka vs Ganyu !! Who is the Best CRYO DPS ?? [ Genshin Impact ] In this video, we're going to compare Wriothesley vs Ayaka vs Ganyu !! So let's see how much is the Difference !! Gameplay Comparison !! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gameplay c0 Wriothesley, vs c0 ganyu, vs c0 ayaka vs c0 Kazuha, vs c5 bennett, vs c0 furina, vs vs c0 xiangling elemental skill and burst dmg comparison. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord:-   / discord   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Additional info! 1.) Don't forget to press the bell button 2.) don't forget to share this video to your social media 3.) don't forget to like and comment you are the best!🥰👍 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tags #genshin #genshinimpact #rana #arlecchino #ayaka #ganyu #neuvillette #wriothesley #lyney #ganyu #fontaine #comparison #kazuha #furina #gameplay #bennett #furina #ranagenshin #xian
