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5 Tips For Single Christian Men

What's up 🐺gang!! We are back and ready to go!! It's a good thing y'all come to hear what God has been saying to me, and not for good lighting and exciting visuals 😂 we'll get there though. For now, I'm fired up to share these tips to all the single Christian men out there so you too can truly take advantage of this season God has blessed you with and rejoice in it as you dedicate it to the Lord! I pray the Holy Spirit pours out His wisdom and revelation on you throughout this video and that you get encountered by the perfect Love of Christ! I love you all - Jesus Loves you more! God bless! 🙏✝️✊ SUBSCRIBE ◎    / @kylewolfgang   VERSE OF THE DAY: "Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her" (Ephesians 5:25) I N S T A G R A M ⇢   / kylejasonwolfgang   ⇢   / kiantilton   ⇢   / hallelujahblueco   C O N T A C T ⇢ [email protected] CHRISTIAN COUNSELING ❃ INTRO/OUTRO CREATOR - @nhostie (IG) OUTRO MUSIC -    • ❰Chillstep❱ Sappheiros - Dawn  
