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Скачать с ютуб Purple Disco Machine, Sophie and the Giants - Hypnotized (Official Video) в хорошем качестве

Purple Disco Machine, Sophie and the Giants - Hypnotized (Official Video) 4 года назад

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Purple Disco Machine, Sophie and the Giants - Hypnotized (Official Video)

So happy to share the official video for ‘Hynotized’ with the amazing Sophie And The Giants’ Let me know what you think in the comments! Listen to Hypnotized: https://PurpleDiscoMachinexSophieandT... Listen to more/follow Purple Disco Machine: #PurpleDiscoMachine #SophieAndTheGiants #Hypnotized Credits: Director/DP: Mary Rozzi @MaryRozzi Production Company: Scheme Engine @schemeengine EP: Jannie McInnes @janniemcinnes Rep: Alexa Haywood @freeagentuk Stylist: Siobhan Lyons @shiv_lyons Post House: Flawless Post (@flawlesspostproduction) Post Producers: Rik Michul (@ginger_fetus) and Howard Shur (@howardshur) Edit: Jacob Mendel (@jacobmendel) VFX: Lisanne Lessekua (@visualsbyliz) and Jacob Mendel (@jacobmendel) Creative Assistant Editor: Kimberly Cole (@kimberlycole1)
