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CRUISE SHIP CREW LIFE: What life is like as a cruise ship crew member. 1 год назад

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CRUISE SHIP CREW LIFE: What life is like as a cruise ship crew member.

Hi guys! Here's an inside look into what it's like to live work, eat, sleep, everything on a cruise ship! If you have any questions let me know below! Also, a bit of a disclaimer: this is solely my experience working on cruise ships and a lot of things differ based on cruise line, what your position is on board and ship to ship! Hope you enjoy :) CHAPTERS: 00:00 Intro 00:50 Crew Bar 2:28 Crew Mess 4:58 Wi-Fi 7:21 Shore Leave/ Time Off 9:42 Crew Tours 10:21 Onboard Expenses 11:56 Roommates/ Cabins 14:26 Safety/ Crew Drills MORE VIDEOS: One Day in Santorini, Greece    • One Day in Santorini Greece: Spend th...   We Made it to Europe!    • We Made it to Europe! Exploring The P...   Cruise Ship Crew Cabin Tour    • Cruise Ship Crew Cabin Tour: A Look I...   Don't forget to subscribe! :) Links: Our Polaroid Camera: My Vlogging Camera: Polaroid Film We Use:
