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Скачать с ютуб Kanaa - Nucleya ft. 2jaym & Sublahshini в хорошем качестве

Kanaa - Nucleya ft. 2jaym & Sublahshini 3 года назад

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Kanaa - Nucleya ft. 2jaym & Sublahshini

Couldn't stop my self from making this cut :) Thank you @nucleya @2jaym @sublahshini for this b'full track. . . . #nucleya #kanaa #handpainted Follow me / reach me :   / kriyamaan   Visual courtesy : Bendik Finborud This music video consists of just under 2000 paintings. It was hand painted at home, frame by frame, over the span of eight months. First bendik put together a video consisting of different clips, then, using thin paper on top of a computer screen, bendik traced over the video using acrylic paint. Finally photographing each painting and assembling the photos in a video software. This was originally created for his track bargaining. Hope you like it! Bargaining is available for streaming here: Follow this wonderful artist here: Spotify: Instagram:   / bendikfinborud   You can buy actual painted frames from this music video:
