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I.N.D.I.A Bloc Likely To Move No-Confidence Motion Against Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar 6 дней назад

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I.N.D.I.A Bloc Likely To Move No-Confidence Motion Against Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar

The Opposition's I.N.D.I.A Bloc is likely to move a no-confidence motion against Rajya Sabha chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar, accusing him of “partisan functioning". Watch full video. #parliamentsession #rajysabha #jagdeepdhankhar #congress #timesnow #englishnews Times Now - Times Now News channel examines news with in-depth analysis. We provide much more than the latest news and breaking news of the day. Times Network houses upscale television channels. Times Network takes the lead with its ground-breaking innovation and disruption of a new content category. The Times Network channels, which have a global footprint in 100 countries, inform, entertain, and engage viewers of all ages with fascinating and intriguing content, news, and information. Subscribe to our channel - Check out our website: Times Now News App : Connect with us on our social media handles: Facebook:   / timesnow   Twitter:   / timesnow   Instagram:   / timesnow   Subscribe to our other network channels: Times Now Navbharat: Zoom: Mirror Now: ET Now: TN+: Pushed via Slike
