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WoW 10.1 Tank Tier List for M+ (Predictions) 1 год назад

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WoW 10.1 Tank Tier List for M+ (Predictions)

After all the testing and tuning, a proper predictions video for wow 10.1 tank tier list in m+ is in order with many of your favorite specs possibly getting shafted next patch while others climbing back on top. The wow 10.1 tank meta will obviously still be subject to change as Blizz is changing specs on a weekly basis but after checking logs, testing all specs and chatting with TC’s we can have an educated prediction for 10.1 tank rankings. If you enjoyed the video, drop a like and let us know the next 10.1 tier list you want to see :) 00:00 Intro 00:52 Blood DK 02:15 Brewmaster Monk 03:29 Guardian Druid 05:10 Prot Paladin 06:49 Prot Warrior 08:15 Vengeance DH Patreon   / marcelianonline   Merch Discord   / discord   Twitch   / marcelianonline   Twitter   / marcelianonline   #Dragonflight #Tanks #MythicPlus
