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Скачать с ютуб Canyons, Vents, and Seeps of the Chile Margin | 4K ROV Highlights в хорошем качестве

Canyons, Vents, and Seeps of the Chile Margin | 4K ROV Highlights 10 часов назад

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Canyons, Vents, and Seeps of the Chile Margin | 4K ROV Highlights

After 55 days of exploration, the #ChileMargin2024 expedition team is heading home. Researchers have been exploring along a margin where a submerged continental shelf extends from the country’s west coast and drops steeply and suddenly into the Pacific Ocean. It runs the entire length of South America due to the subduction of the Pacific plate under the South American plate. The confluence of tectonic forces and terrestrial influences makes this margin a natural laboratory for investigating chemosynthetic and deep-sea environments that host remarkable biodiversity.
