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Скачать с ютуб How Does Energy Healing Work? Dr. Jill Blakeway Explains the Types of Energy Healing в хорошем качестве

How Does Energy Healing Work? Dr. Jill Blakeway Explains the Types of Energy Healing 5 лет назад

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How Does Energy Healing Work? Dr. Jill Blakeway Explains the Types of Energy Healing

Dr. Jill Blakeway, founder of the Yinova Center in New York City and prominent energy healer and acupuncturist, sits down with Adrienne from WellBe to explain her journey into energy healing therapy, how energy healing techniques work, some incredible stories of healing she's witnessed, and much more. --------------------------------------------- Please subscribe to our channel: #getwellbe with us: Web: Instagram:   / getwellbe   Facebook:   / getwellbe   Twitter:   / getwellbe   Google+: About WellBe: WellBe is a media company focused on the intersection between wellness and healthcare. We want to inform, inspire, and empower you to take control of your health and demand a system that supports you.
