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Скачать с ютуб TORONTO CNE - Canadian National Exhibition | Biggest Canadian Fair Market - The Ex в хорошем качестве

TORONTO CNE - Canadian National Exhibition | Biggest Canadian Fair Market - The Ex 1 год назад

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TORONTO CNE - Canadian National Exhibition | Biggest Canadian Fair Market - The Ex

TORONTO CNE Canadian National Exhibition | Biggest Canadian Fair Market - The Ex The Canadian National Exhibition CNE Toronto, also known as The Exhibition or The Ex, is an annual Canadian fair event that takes place at Exhibition Place in Toronto Ontario Canada, on the third Friday of August leading up to and including Labour Day, the first Monday in September. At the CNE, you can find all sorts of fun things to do. There are rides like roller coasters and Ferris wheels and all kind of CNE rides. CNE Food - You can also eat lots of different kinds of food, from hot dogs to fancy desserts. But it's not just about rides and food. The CNE also has shows where you can listen to music or watch performances at CNE concerts. It is great outdoor show which has many CNE events. There are also places where you can buy things like clothes, toys, and handmade crafts. It's a place where families and friends go to have a good time and make happy memories. Whether you like fast rides, tasty food, or just hanging out, there's something for everyone at the Toronto CNE. #TorontoCNE #CanadianNationalExhibition #toronto #canada Toronto CNE Air Show video:    • Toronto CNE Air Show - Canadian Inter...   My Gears and Deals As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases I use the following travel websites to book my travel: Flights Booking Hotel Deals Car Rental Follow Me: X - Twitter -   / lvfreeadventure   New Instagram:   / lvfree.adventures   Lvfree Adventures original
