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Experience Songkran festival at Beach Road in Pattaya, Thailand. Songkran festival celebrates the new year in Thailand (Thai new year) and is the biggest Thai water festival / water fight in the world! Experience the Songkran water festival at Pattaya Beach Road! Happy Songkran! Pattaya is one of the most fun and crazy places in Thailand to celebrate Songkran and get involved into water fights all day long! Songkran is the celebration and holiday that marks the Thai new year. Songkran is worldwide and internationally known as the biggest water festival and water fight in the world. Songkran is originally celebrated on 13-14-15 April but in Pattaya city Songkran is celebrated from 11 until 18 April! This is video number 395 for Youtube. This video is very basic, but we all need to start somewhere right? Over time, the content and quality of my new Youtube channel ''Travel Here'' will increase! Did you like this video or do you want to support me? You can do that in the following ways: subscribe, comment, like or share my video and ofcourse watch my videos!