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Скачать с ютуб Bode/PEC Column and Boom Cladding Station Under Power в хорошем качестве

Bode/PEC Column and Boom Cladding Station Under Power 9 лет назад

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Bode/PEC Column and Boom Cladding Station Under Power

All Column and Boom Welding Systems in Stock can be Found on Our Website: PEC's BODE Single Conventional Weld Cladding Systems with Hot Wire TIG. Year 1997 Condition: Used Description: Model: Multi Clad Hotwire Tig Weld System,System Version V7 Integrated 2500mm Rotary Table Power Control and Miller Gold Star 602 welding machine Integrated Bode 10,000kg Rotary Table with table diameter 2500mm Manuals An automatic welding system designed and made in the UK for the Oil, Gas and Nuclear industry The component is mounted on a turntable with the bore being welded centred on the turntable rotational axis During the cladding operation, the turntable rotates and the welding torch is stationary (moving up once a revolution) A conventional column & boom (rack & pinion type) supports precision cross slides attached to the end of the boom. The slides perform the task of moving the torch in two or more axes. Using this configuration of hardware, components of up to 20 ton in weights and 3 metres in heights can be welded More set up required for full funcitioning.
