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Raspberry Pi 4 Passive Cooling

Raspberry Pi 4 passive cooling, plus firmware update that significantly reduces the temperature of the Pi. Tested in this video are the Kodi Edition FLIRC case, and the “Aluminium Heatsink Case for Raspberry Pi 4”. The Kodi Edition FLIRC case can be found on here: (affiliate link). Do make sure that you get the one for the Pi 4, not the previous FLIRC case that fits the Pi 1B+, Pi 2B and Pi 3B(+). There are lots of different two-part heatsink cases for the Pi 4. I purchased mine from The Pi Hut here: But an identical-looking model from Geekworm is on here: (affiliate link). My previous Pi 4 cooling video featuring the Pimoroni Fan SHIM and ICE Tower is here:    • Raspberry Pi 4: More Active Cooling!   And my first Pi 4 cooling video in which I create a custom rig using a 40mm Noctua 5V fan is here:    • Raspberry Pi 4 Cooling   More videos on SBCS, computing and related topics can be found on the ExplainingComputers YouTube channel:    / explainingcomputers   You may also like my other channel, ExplainingTheFuture, at:    / explainingthefuture   #RaspberryPi #Pi4 #Cooling #FLIRC #ExplainingComputers
