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How to introduce yourself in French with Jenny at your fingertips 1 год назад

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How to introduce yourself in French with Jenny at your fingertips

#learnfrenchwithjenny Introduce yourself in French by giving some information about you such as age, where you live, your birthday , your profession... 00:00 Structure to follow of how to introduce oneself 03:56 Examples 04:02 Example for a male 05:50 Example for a female Videos to help you with the vocabulary ALPHABET    • FRENCH ALPHABET  Lesson 1 with Jenny ...   NUMBERS    • FRENCH NUMBERS 0-31 Lesson 3  with Je...   HOW TO SAY YOUR AGE    • HOW TO SAY YOUR AGE IN FRENCH and cou...   PROFESSIONS    • PROFESSIONS OCCUPATIONS AND JOBS IN F...   NATIONALITIES    • COUNTRIES AND NATIONALITIES IN FRENCH...   Subscribe to French-Action to learn more French or to improve it. Jenny is me, a French native who has been teaching French for many years. CSEC oral examiner, DELF-DALF and TEF examiner. Welcome to French-Action, a channel for French learners, those who want to improve their French, prepare for an exam and are interested in the French culture. This channel also caters for those who are preparing for CSEC French, CAPE French, French GCSE, DELF, DALF, TEF, TCF examinations. The link is.    / frenchaction1   A new video every Thursday Subscribe to French-Action and be part of the community of French learners Playlist    / @frenchaction1   #frencha1 #frenchspeaking #sepresenter
