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How to Uninstall Stable Diffusion Automatic1111

Full end-to-end process to do a complete and clean uninstall of Stable Diffusion Automatic1111 from your computer. This method assumes you originally ran a standard Automatic1111 installation that included installing Python, Git and then Automatic1111. It also assumes that you only have a single 3.10.6 version of Python installed. I’ll be completely uninstalling Python, Git and then Automatic1111 from my local Windows PC. PATHS: Python Executable Files: C:\Users\*YOUR USERNAME*\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps Python PIP Packages: C:\Users\*YOUR USERNAME*\AppData\Local\Programs Python PIP Cache: C:\Users\*YOUR USERNAME*\AppData\Local Git Folder: C:\Program Files CHAPTER TIMESTAMPS: 00:00 How to Uninstall Stable Diffusion Automatic1111 00:56 Uninstall Python App 02:19 Uninstall Python Launcher 03:06 Delete Python Executable Files 05:20 Delete Python PIP Packages 06:08 Delete Python PIP Cache 06:58 Uninstall Git App 08:07 Delete Git Folder 08:49 Backup Automatic1111 09:44 Delete Automatic1111 COPYRIGHT NOTICE: All images, audio and video created and owned by FoxtonAI.
