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Скачать с ютуб 蘇州留園-中國四大園林之一 | China SuZhou Lingering Garden, One of the four major gardens in China | 4K @60 в хорошем качестве

蘇州留園-中國四大園林之一 | China SuZhou Lingering Garden, One of the four major gardens in China | 4K @60 1 год назад

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蘇州留園-中國四大園林之一 | China SuZhou Lingering Garden, One of the four major gardens in China | 4K @60

留園,曾名“東園”、“寒碧山莊”,位於江蘇省蘇州市姑蘇區留園路338號,南臨留園路,北至半邊街,東鄰市汽車客運集團有限公司,西為繡花弄,於明萬歷二十一年(1593年)始建,其後多有荒廢易主,1953年,蘇州市人民政府決定修復留園,其後不斷修繕整治。 留園為中國大型古典私人森林,佔地23300平方米,代表清代風格,園以建築藝術著稱,廳堂宏敞華麗,庭院富有變化,整個園林採用不規則佈局形式,使園林建築與山、水、石相融合而呈天然之趣。利用雲牆和建築群把園林劃分為中、東、北、西四個不同的景點。留園內亭館樓榭高低參差,曲廊蜿蜒相續有七百公尺之多,頗有步移景換之妙。建築物約佔園總面積四分之一。建築結構式樣代表清代風格,在不大的範圍內造就了眾多而各有特性的建築,處處顯示了咫尺山林、小中見大的造園藝術手法。 1961年3月4日,留園被中華人民共和國國務院列入第一批全國重點文物保護單位。 1997年12月,作為蘇州古典園林典型例證,經聯合國教科文組織批准,留園與拙政園、網師園、環秀山莊共同列入《世界遺產名錄》。 2007年,蘇州園林(拙政園、虎丘山、留園)獲選為全國AAAAA級旅遊景區。 Lingering Garden is one of the Top Four Classical Gardens in China, combined with Summer Palace in Beijing, Chengde Mountain Resort in Hebei and Humble Administrator's Garden also in Suzhou. It is also one important component of Suzhou Gardens which was a national AAAAA scenic spot. Lingering Garden attracts large amounts of tourists with its beautiful architectures and various natural landscapes. As an ancient private garden with an area of 23,300 square meters, Lingering Garden symbolizes Qing Dynasty style and consummate art of buildings. In 1997, Lingering Garden, combined with 8 other Suzhou gardens are listed in the World Cultural Heritage sites by UNESCO. The first owner of Lingering Garden was Xutai (徐泰) who once was keen on architectures. He was framed by his fellows and dismissed after his promotion to an official. Then he went back home and engaged his skills and constructed two gardens. The East Garden is Lingering Garden while the West Garden was donated by his ascendants and became a temple - Xiyuan Temple (西园寺). As Xutai passed away, the East Garden turned to be underused. In the periods of Jiaqing, Liu Rongfeng (刘蓉峰) bought East Garden and named it Bihan Mountain Villa. Because the family name of the owner was Liu, so the local people call it Liu's Garden (刘园). Many years later, nobody takes charge of this garden again. Since visitors liked to linger in the garden for a longer time to enjoy this amazing garden, so people also called it Lingering Garden (留园).
