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Скачать с ютуб EVO SP8 Feature Overview | 8 Channel Smart Preamp with AD/DA в хорошем качестве

EVO SP8 Feature Overview | 8 Channel Smart Preamp with AD/DA 1 год назад

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EVO SP8 Feature Overview | 8 Channel Smart Preamp with AD/DA

Discover the features of the EVO SP8 Smart Preamp and AD/DA, and how you can use it to expand the channel count of your existing audio interface. Bigger sessions demand more channels and expanding your existing audio interface via ADAT might be the most cost effective solution to scale up your studio. Find out more: EVO SP8 provides eight mic/line inputs, eight line outputs and 2 x ADAT connections, giving you enough I/O firepower to easily tackle multi-mic sessions like recording drums, or taking on a full band. Features: 8 x EVO Mic Preamps 2 x JFET Instrument Inputs 8 x Line Outputs 2 x ADAT Inputs 2 x ADAT Outputs Class Leading AD/DA Converters Multi-Channel Smartgain 'EVO Motion UI' Control System High-Res LCD Screen One Knob Centralised Control Ultra Clear Metering Input/Output Control Channel Status Indication Optional Rack Ears Word Clock Input 32bit / 96kHz Connect with us:   / weareevoaudio     / weareevoaudio  
