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Why Jumba Made His Experiments! | Lilo and Stitch Theory: Discovering Disney 7 лет назад

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Why Jumba Made His Experiments! | Lilo and Stitch Theory: Discovering Disney

SUBSCRIBE: Isaac inquires on the morality of Jumba Jookiba and discovers why he created his experiments. MOVIE LINKS: Lilo and Stitch Blu-ray Combo: Leroy and Stitch: RESOURCES: Jumba was born on the planet Kweltikwan and this is where he originally created a series of illegal genetic experiments. Unfortunately, his decision to create these experiments led to his banishment from his world. He then bought his own laboratory, where he continued to create more experiments alongside his former college friend Dr. Hämsterviel. Eventually, both Jumba and Hämsterviel would be arrested, following the creation of Jumba's experiment 626, but Jumba was released by the Galactic Federation to attempt to capture 626. While attempting to apprehend 626, Jumba finds new meaning in his life on the planet Earth, better known as Earth, and he appears to become good natured. Sure he did some experimentation on the side, but he was no longer a defined, feared evil genius leading me to wonder was he really ever evil? If he wasn’t why would he even make these experiments?! I post every Tuesday and Thursday, so check back then for more Disney, Pixar, Harry Potter, Star Wars and movie videos! If you have any questions about the Disney universe that you would want answered in a video, please ask away in the comment section! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MUSIC PROVIDED BY: Incompetech Dreamy Flashback Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License Salt Mines (Original Mix) by Meizong   / dj-meizong   Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 VIDEO PROVIDED BY: Walt Disney Corporation Movie: Lilo and Stitch ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOLLOW ME! PATREON ➜ TWITTER ➜   / mrisaaccarlson   FACEBOOK ➜   / mrisaaccarlson   INSTAGRAM ➜   / mrisaaccarlson   GOOGLE PLUS➜ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I do not own the rights to Disney or any of the branding associated to the franchise. Discovering Disney is meant for educational purposes which does not take away from the original works, but instead helps build understanding on the cinematic universe. Some links on this page are affiliate links.
