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Скачать с ютуб Jason Sudeikis, Brendan Hunt talk ‘Ted Lasso,’ friendship, cats в хорошем качестве

Jason Sudeikis, Brendan Hunt talk ‘Ted Lasso,’ friendship, cats 1 год назад

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Jason Sudeikis, Brendan Hunt talk ‘Ted Lasso,’ friendship, cats

“Ted Lasso” stars Jason Sudeikis and Brendan Hunt talk about the new season of the series and share how family has factored into the plot. Sudeikis shares a hilarious recollection about living above a NYC Burger King and Hunt sets the record straight about being a cat person. » Subscribe to Today with Hoda and Jenna: » Watch TODAY All Day:    / today   About: Friendship, fun, and laughs! America’s feel-good morning show with big stars and sweet surprises. Hoda and Jenna inspire and empower with their impactful stories and heartfelt connection. Connect with TODAY with Hoda and Jenna Online! Visit the TODAY with Hoda and Jenna Website: Find TODAY on Facebook:   / hodaandjenna   Follow TODAY on Twitter:   / hodaandjenna   Follow TODAY on Instagram:   / hodaandjenna   #tedlasso #television #entertainment
