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Top Women in Business -- Best Advice on how to Become a Successful Business Woman 11 лет назад

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Top Women in Business -- Best Advice on how to Become a Successful Business Woman Perween Warsi founder and CEO of S&F foods is one of the top women in business today. She has built her business into an international company and discusses, the key ingredients which are needed to make a business successful. She picks out having a vision and having the perseverance, to follow your vision to make your business successful. Perseverance is the real secret of all successful business people. You need to keep going, through the inevitable set backs to build your business and make it profitable and successful. One of the key points she makes is to know your customer and know your market. If you want to become a successful business woman or man, you must pay attention to your market and understand what your customers want. Don't make the fatal mistake of selling them what you think they want which many businesses make. If you want to start a business or already have one, get some top tips for success from one of the top business women Perween Warsi.
