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Where can I get a toilet with a 9-inch rough-in? Is there 3 года назад

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Where can I get a toilet with a 9-inch rough-in? Is there

From JustAnswer Customer: Where can I get a toilet with a 9-inch rough-in? JustAnswer Customer: Is there a way to adapt a toilet with a 10 inch rough-in to a 9-inch rough-in space Rick: Master Plumber: Welcome to Just Answer, I will do my best to help with your problem Rick: Master Plumber: There are no 9" rough toilets. Rick: Master Plumber: You may be able to squeeze a 10" rough into a 9" space Rick: Master Plumber: assuming this 9" is not center of the flange to the bare studs JustAnswer Customer: Is there some kind of device to adapt a 10-inch toilet to a 9 inch hole? Rick: Master Plumber: what do you mean by a 9" hole? Rick: Master Plumber: the rough in dimension refers to the measurement from the center of the flange to the wall JustAnswer Customer: Well, I'm not a DIY guy.what I know is that the old toilet which we are replacing has a 9-inch rough-in. JustAnswer Customer: The smallest toilet we can find which will accommodate a Toto Washlet is a 10-inch rough in. JustAnswer Customer: So I'm trying to either find a new toilet with a 9 inch rough-in, or find a way to use a replacement toilet with a 10-inch rough-in to a location which was constructed to accommodate a toilet with a 9-inch rough-in Rick: Master Plumber: there are no 9" rough in toilets, there never were 9" rough in toilets Rick: Master Plumber: what is the measurement from the center of the flange on the floor to the wall JustAnswer Customer: Well, I have a 9-inch rough-in already (about 30 year-old construction) -- according to our contractor. JustAnswer Customer: So I'm confused by your saying that "there never were" such toilets. Rick: Master Plumber: I've been doing this for 40+ years, your contractor is blowing smoke Rick: Master Plumber: if you answer my question I may be able to help JustAnswer Customer: Well, if that's the can I check to see if what we have really is 9-inch as he says, or whether it is bigger? JustAnswer Customer: Are you done "answering"? Rick: Master Plumber: is the toilet in place? JustAnswer Customer: Yes it is.the contractor said he removed it -- to replace it with the new toilet -- and discovered we only had a 9-inch rough-in, so he replaced it. JustAnswer Customer: So, right now, the old toilet is still in place and I cannot remove it, but could insist on him doing it again when I am around to "supervise" and confirm the size of the rough-in. Rick: Master Plumber: OK, try this. Rick: Master Plumber: Measure from the center of the bolts at the floor or the caps over the bolts back to the wall. Rick: Master Plumber: If you have a basebaord/mopboard behind the toilet I need to know how thick it is JustAnswer Customer: Alright. JustAnswer Customer: I can do that in just a few minutes and will send you the measurements Rick: Master Plumber: ok JustAnswer Customer: Measurement from center of the cap to the tile attached to the wall is pretty exactly 9 inches; the tile is about 1/2 inch thick (from front of tile to wall) Rick: Master Plumber: You have 2 options. Rick: Master Plumber: The first would be to try a 10" rough toilet which is what you had before since there is no such thing as a 9" rough toilet. Rick: Master Plumber: I suspect it should work just fine. Rick: Master Plumber: If for some reason it doesn't your only option would be to replace the existing toilet flange at the floor (What the toilet is bolted to) replaced with an offset flange that will move the center further from the wall. Rick: Master Plumber: There is some space between a properly roughed in toilet and the wall so you have some wiggle room even if the rough in isn't quite right JustAnswer Customer: Okay, thank you and good-bye! Pearl Wilson: Assistant: If you have a home improvement or appliance question and want to chat with an expert now visit
