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Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets | Full Movie Preview | Warner Bros. Entertainment

Watch the first #TenMinutes of #HarryPotter and the #ChamberOfSecrets. From The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, an ancient prophecy seems to be coming true when a mysterious presence begins stalking the corridors of #Hogwarts and leaving its victims paralyzed. SUBSCRIBE to Warner Bros. Entertainment: Connect with Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: Like Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets on FACEBOOK:   / harrypottermovie   Follow Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets TWITTER:   / harrypotterfilm   Subscribe to Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets on YOUTUBE:    / harrypotter   Connect with Warner Bros. Entertainment Online: Follow Warner Bros. Entertainment INSTAGRAM:   / warnerbrosentertainment   Like Warner Bros. Entertainment on FACEBOOK:   / warnerbrosent   Follow Warner Bros. Entertainment TWITTER:   / wbhomeent   About Warner Bros. Entertainment: At Warner Bros. Entertainment, we believe in the power of story. From classics to contemporary masterpieces, explore and watch a library full of extraordinary, stirring, and provocative entertainment that goes beyond the big screen. Subscribe to discover new favorites from the studio that brought you Friends, JOKER, the Conjuring Universe, and The Wizarding World of Harry Potter™. About Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: Within the haunted halls of Hogwarts, chilling, malevolent voices whisper from the walls only to Harry. On top of that, it seems certain that his classmate #DracoMalfoy is out to get him. Soon it's not just Harry who is worried about survival, as dreadful things begin to happen at the school. The mysteriously gleaming foot high words on the wall proclaim: "The Chamber of Secrets Has Been Opened. Enemies of the Heir, Beware.​" Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets | Full Movie Preview | Warner Bros. Entertainment    • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secre...   Warner Bros. Entertainment    / warnerbrosonline   About The Wizarding World of Harry Potter: More than two decades ago, a young Harry Potter was whisked onto Platform 9¾ at King’s Cross Station, and fans everywhere were swept along into a magical universe created by writer J.K. Rowling. The Wizarding World has now grown to include Fantastic Beasts. After over twenty years of magic, fans of all ages continue to be enthralled by the extraordinary adventures, friendship and magic at the heart of the Wizarding World and all its stories.
