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Run Windows on a USB - Windows to Go!

Choose the best USB Drives to Run Windows. Easy Way to Install Windows on a NVME. Rufus Download 5 High Performance USB Drives 400-2000 MB/s Read & Write Speeds / USB Flash Drives.    • 5 High Performance USB Drives 400-200...   10G Networking on a Budget / $317 10G STARTER KIT    • 10G Networking on a Budget / $317 10G...   $65 SSD 4Bay USB Performance Test    • $65 SSD 4Bay USB Performance Test   TrueNAS for Home Users - Made Easy! Install, Create Pools, Data Sets, Users, Permissions and Shares.    • TrueNAS for Home Users - Made Easy! I...   12TB NVME/SSD NAS a Dell 9010 SFF vs HP 800 Mini PC. Which one did I Choose?    • 12TB NVME/SSD NAS a Dell 9010 SFF vs ...   Amazon SAMSUNG FIT Plus 3.1 USB Flash Drive, 128GB, 400MB/s KOOTION External SSD 250GB Portable SSD High-Speed Solid State Drive, Read up to 500MB/s & Write up to 450MB/s SSD Adapter SATA to USB Cable, 2in1 USB-C/USB 3.0 2.5 inch HDD and SSD NMVE Enclosures - Start at $15 Just choose the brand and what works for you. I have 5 different brands they all test the same. Timestamp 0:00 - Intro 03:03 - USB Options 04:07 - Rufus Software and Windows 10 to Go 09:14 - Boot Windows 10 From USB 14:37 - Making NVME Windows 11 to Go 18:16 - Running Windows 11 NVME in Our PC 23:10 - Download WIN 11 & WIN 10
