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Скачать с ютуб SNEAK PEEK! Spy Ninjas FIRST Official Graphic Novel!!! New Book in Stores Now!! в хорошем качестве

SNEAK PEEK! Spy Ninjas FIRST Official Graphic Novel!!! New Book in Stores Now!! 2 года назад

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SNEAK PEEK! Spy Ninjas FIRST Official Graphic Novel!!! New Book in Stores Now!!

Join me for a little Sneak Peak of the NEW Spy Ninjas Book and FIRST Official Graphic Novel: Virtual Reality Madness! You can order a copy here: or The Spy Ninjas finally have the upper hand! Chad and Vy have discovered a super-secret Project Zorgo base. It's filled with gadgets, gizmos and some serious technology. Chad and Vy just have to show some of this to the other Spy Ninjas. They bring a VR headset home with them, but it's more than meets the eye. Chad and Vy try on the headset and get sucked into a virtual world! This can't be good. Complete with digital bosses, exploding food, and wacky characters, will the Spy Ninjas be able to escape or will Project Zorgo prevail once and for all? This original graphic novel is perfect for readers searching for a whirlwind adventure! In addition, check out the Spy Ninjas: The Ultimate Guidebook! well as the Spy Ninjas' Store for all the latest gadgets and mission kits! Watch some of my Adventures with the Spy Ninjas:    • CHAD WILD CLAY Has a BROTHER?   Watch the Spy Ninjas' adventures! Chad Wild Clay -    / chadwildclay   Vy Qwaint -    / vyqwaint   Daniel Gizmo -    / @danielgizmo   Melvin PZ9 -    / @melvinpz9   Regina Ginera -    / @reginaginera   Attributions: Music: StreamBeats/Harris Heller - Fever Soul [NCS Release] Free StreamBeats Download/Stream: Check out the StreamBeats channel:    / streambeatsbyharrisheller   Images: Spy Ninjas and Scholastic #SpyNinjas #Comicbook #GraphicNovel #ChadWildClay #book #VyQwaint #CWC #ChadandVy #VirtualRealityMadness #CaseyWildClay #ProjectZorgo #BarnesNoble #instores #Virtualreality #hackers #prisoners #unmasked #Chadsbrother #Unknown #VR #madness #VRmadness #Chad #Melvin #PZ9 #Vy #MelvinPZ9 #Daniel #Regina #Agent #Peters #AgentPeters #Cloaker #Alie #Justin #Casey #WildClay #WhoisUnknown #typewriter #Guidebook #Scholastic #SpyNinja #origins #history #mystery #PZ4 #PZLeader #gadgets #Raniel #Roblox #Douglas #prison #Project #Zorgo #Spy #Ninjas #Unboxing #ChadandV #hacker #ninja #hacking
